Anxiety Therapy for Perfectionists, New moms, teens and adults

ONLINE AND in Ridgewood, NJ

Solution focused therapy for a more balanced approach to life.

  • Anxiety often creates a relentless internal pressure to maintain control and perfection. The fear of the unknown or of making mistakes can lead you to feel like you must keep everything in your life perfectly organized and under control. This need for control can become overwhelming and exhausting.

  • Struggling to make decisions and constantly feeling the pressure to please others? It's exhausting trying to navigate life's choices while balancing everyone else's expectations. I understand the weight of these burdens and offer a safe space for you to explore your own needs and desires without guilt or judgment. I can help you to break free from the cycle of people-pleasing and regain confidence in your decision-making abilities.

  • You find yourself in a perpetual state of unease and fear. It can make even simple decisions feel overwhelming, leading to a cycle of overthinking and indecision. The constant worry and anticipation of negative outcomes can often feel paralyzing, which makes it challenging to move forward or try new things.

“I always feel like I’m on edge…”

If this statement resonates with you, you’ve come to the right place. Anxiety makes you always tense, unsure, and scared of losing control. Your mind overflows with worries, making it tough to concentrate on what’s happening around you. Small choices become difficult, and peaceful moments never seem to last long. This can have a negative impact on your progress in work or school and may cause challenges in your relationships with family and friends.

I’m rachel.

I believe you deserve relief from anxiety and hope for change.

I help teens and adults struggling with anxiety find success and happiness through personalized therapy. My warm and humorous approach creates a comfortable space to address issues and develop stress management tools. With my diverse experience, I offer tailored support to help clients from all backgrounds thrive. It's time to prioritize your well-being and reclaim control over your life. Reach out today and take the first step towards living authentically and on your own terms.

How I can help

I specialize in therapy for perfectionists, new moms, & teens who struggle with anxiety.

  • When you feel the constant need to please others and exceed expectations, it can fuel an endless cycle of anxiety, as people pleasers and overachievers are afraid of not meeting their own or others' standards. The never ending pursuit of validation and perfection often leads to heightened levels of stress and worry, which can feel debilitating.

    Learn more here

  • Life as a teenager or young adult can often feel like riding a wild rollercoaster of emotions. The demands to perform well academically, blend in with peers, and juggle many feelings at once can be downright overwhelming. Worrying might make you feel alone, question yourself, and chase perfection in an imperfect world. However, within these struggles, you possess incredible resilience and the ability to discover strategies to handle anxiety effectively and not just survive but thrive. Through therapy, you can learn to embrace your imperfections, manage anxiety, and navigate the rollercoaster with a bit more ease.

    Learn more here

  • Caring for a newborn can feel incredibly overwhelming and may increase feelings of anxiety, as you try to manage the pressure of meeting your baby's needs while navigating your new role as a mom. Along with hormonal changes and sleep deprivation, the combination can intensify the sense of worry and self-doubt.

    Learn more here

How it works

Life is stressful enough right now. Let me make this part as easy as possible.

It's okay to ask for help. During our work together, you will find a supportive space where you can drop the facade and explore your feelings without judgment. Whether you're struggling with work, relationships, or personal challenges, I am here to help you navigate through the overwhelm and find balance. Take the first step towards reclaiming your peace of mind – reach out today.

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You’re not alone.

You’re not alone.